Not June, maybe Fall?

Seahorse for you 💕🪷✨

I did a quick sketch of a seahorse as an interlude to my hectic day, as I have less time than I thought I would at this time.

Each domain of my life where I started something (which is many) is expanding and that has meant that I’m having trouble getting to the blog.

This blog has been my great love since 2011 so it’s not going to disappear, but I have to accept the fact that, some things just get put aside until there’s energy and focus time that is appropriate for them.

I hope everyone is having a marvelous summer.

I leave you with a contemplation on seahorse. I noted that the commentary I am linking below mentions fatherhood. We will be celebrating Father’s Day this week in United States, so I thought it was validated that this is the sea creature I decided to draw quickly and offer up to your eyes 👀 here 💗💕🪷

My calendar is pretty booked in the fall too, so I hope to make it back here intermittently, as well as before the holidays. I really want to do a run of “sketching” and more “art” and since I’ve given my blog to that, I will occasionally just write about the energies and/or astrology and a brief update if inspired to, but not able to commit to a sketch challenge or project like I was hoping to, and cannot work on my poetry manuscript until the kitchen remodel and a few of the major projects and family business stuff has become more settled.

Loving you all the time, and continuing to hold our connections in my heart. I look forward to visiting with you soon in the virtual spaces!

About Seahorse Symbolism


We had Mercury/Sun Cazimi (conjunction) this morning. Is anyone not busy? lol 😂 go ahead and chime in!

11 thoughts on “Not June, maybe Fall?

  1. It’s good that you are focused on what has priority in your life. Thus, there are no regrets afterwards. Over here (I live in Chile) I am entering winter with rain and cold (5°) so I will enjoy the snow. We also celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday. So it will be a very busy day. A big hug to you Ka.

    1. Lovely to make that connection with you through Father’s Day! What part of Chile are you in? North or South? Thank you. I’m doing my best to keep with priorities and be very intentional and deliberate with what matters. My deep regards to you. I appreciate our connection here. 🙂

  2. Just go with the flow Ka. All journeys have a beginning and an end…even paths crossing through them. At the moment I just had a lovely 23C afternoon which was delightful since its mid winter here. But, reality has come back and its now pouring rain and a crisp 8C overnight. Enjoy it all kind lady, it will fill that wisdom of love in your heart. Enjoy! 🤗❤️🙏

  3. It’s hard to fit it all in, Ka! I would say just follow your heart. Do the things you have to do, and then fit in the things that speak to your heart ❤

    I have gone through times like this and also at times thought that I would stop writing on my blog. But whenever I thought of that, it didn’t feel good. I also know that if I don’t have some kind of “schedule” then nothing gets done. So this year I have attempted to Blog…meaning write on mine AND visit others, at least every other week. And so far I have been successful. We will see if I can sustain that with some big projects coming up.

    Sending lots of love and light. And will be happy to see you whenever you can be here ❤

    1. Oh Lorrie you are so right, “it’s hard to fit it all in!” Parenting has been front and center and we have little bike rider now! I love blogging very much, and yes scheduling seems a requirement to get anything done. My days are so highly scheduled. Eventually I got to the point where I couldn’t reasonably “put more in.” lol, so for blogging at least… it’s gonna have to be “random”/“inspired” or whenever able. I love visiting blogs and writing, equally. This is what makes blogging amazing. I feel your love and light and I am grateful! Big hug! 🥰

      1. Oh my goodness…a bike rider! Wonderful milestone…but the start of sure independence! It is the single most important part of your life right now. I wish I had been more aware as a parent, but I also don’t look back with regret as I know I did the best I could at that time. Life is full of responsibilities, and we must find the time to do the things that speak to our souls as well.
        Go forth and trust that you will do exactly what you need to do…when you need to do it!! I will look forward to hearing from you…whenever you are here!! 😉
        Many Sweet Blessings, friend. EnJOY life…it goes by way too fast!! ❤

        1. Hello sweet friend, Lorrie!! Great encouragement. I appreciate you!! Yes we can only be as ‘aware’ as we are. Also being aware doesn’t necessarily make it that much easier, but maybe it makes it better for them. We can focus on them and balance our own self care a *smidge* better. Life is full of responsibilities, indeed. Today we have her orange belt ceremony/party in karate. She has achieved her first belt. Big milestones for her!

          I definitely need to write and continue to, also get back to making art at each moment I can. So I will. 🪷 Having grace with myself always helps. Love you, Lorrie!

          1. I know you are like I am, Ka…you NEED to create! It’s almost as necessary as breathing!! Sending lots of love and light…and TIME for you to get everything you need.
            Congratulations to your baby’s huge milestone(s). My baby has just moved into a “health” phase where is is becoming aware of his contribution to his well-being! I am so excited about this. Our babies may grow…but we will never stop worrying…or wanting the best for them.
            All good things dear friend ❤

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