Peek a-Boo! I see you! 🌕


I’ll still be back in June, but this playful Sagittarian Full Moon 🌕 I cannot let slip away without even just a small amount of commentary. Normally everything Jupiterian is super-sized. If you are like me you have a whole list of problems that you are working on. Let’s call them “projects” to make them sound more like fun.

Venus is conjoining Jupiter and these are known as the big “benefics” of the planets, bestowing grace and spirituality, wealth, opulence and beauty. Jupiter is known as an amplifier. However the unpredictable, zip-zippy fast and out-of-the-blue planet Uranus is tightly in the mix! Good or bad? Toss away your duality, install the Yin-Yang. ☯️ Each contains its opposite!

Well, for us: we are forced into an unexpected kitchen remodel. I’m not happy about it because i have to borrow money to get it done and therefore being in more debt is not ideal. And mostly I’m not happy about it because it only one of several expensive projects we have to do just for our house, either to remediate water damage or prepare for the next season’s onslaught of water. Or, to fix things that are broken which seems to be non-stop. The living day-to-day in the most expensive city, is plenty on its own.

Lots of unknowns in the economy right now. Dare I mention the presidential election coming up in November which I know most of us are just, focusing on ourselves and our own little bubble of world we can manage.

My point is that: Joy and abundance is not about our circumstances. Our circumstances in this quickly developing and changing world (Uranus is involved in all of this in Taurus!!) the unpredictably of life is the mainstay. I’m not sure why any of us ever expected security or ease, but life is more dynamic than that. Maybe some of our ancestors enjoyed something called “steady, slow, growth” for one generation or two. But, our lives with Pluto in Aquarius are erratic, and require so much more flexibility from us than ever before. Uranus in Taurus is changing the Earth and resources as we know them, fundamentally. Structures are in mid take apart while the new ones are not stabilized and fickle. Can’t hang your hat anywhere!

So where’s the advantage here? Jupiter is also all about opportunities!

For me, it’s humor and focusing on every advantage as my own mainstay. I take the punches and kicks and whacks of life to be enabling me to finding deeper and more constructive forms of self care, love, and compassion for my fellow humans and animals, plants and fungi. I find even more presence for myself in my own ups and downs and allowing myself to respond and navigate with little to no self judgment as the new role model for me.

The abundance is in us. It’s in our capacities!!

The unity of our consciousness is real, even despite if our circumstances don’t change, or our pain is perennial, or even if the unexpected lightning strike zaps our blueprints for our wildest and most well-planned of dreams contained detailed and intricate back up plans- A through Z!

See through it all! Know thyself.

Give yourself a BIG HUG with this full moon as you navigate the adventure of just living on this planet. To live is to risk. Your organism is stronger than you know, your mind and spirit is more wildly imaginative than you can predict, and your health can always improve despite whatever state you find yourself in.

If you find yourself low on hope or living on an island of doubt and skepticism, stinky fumes for thoughts, find your nearest oasis, your easiest chuckle.

What joke gets you every time?

Where are you ticklish?

What was the funniest most absurd thought you ever had?

Let the imagination work to your advantage this full moon! 🌝 ♐️ Be like a sponge in water and watch your capacity expand. Soak it up! Life is for the living, put a dance in your step even if it’s dancing around ashes. Know that a fortune can raise in less time than a blink of an eye. A bat of an eye-lash. In a quantum entanglement awareness moment, you can see you really are hitched to a star ⭐️ and the magnetism of your love 💗 is willing to deliver your best kept dreams for your highest and best good.

All my love to you ! See you in June! ⭐️😆🥰🤣🌌



17 thoughts on “Peek a-Boo! I see you! 🌕

  1. Thanks for this fantastic post…..I can feel the influence and energy of the planets….I believe it’s up to us to hang on…do what we want to do and trust and perhaps even enjoy a little :). Janet XXX

  2. It has indeed been an interesting time Ka. I did not realize I could be ‘poked’ in so many ways, all at the same time. So I just go for a walk in the beach, have a coffee, and share with friends. The ‘pokes’ will be dealt with in their time. Thank you for the share and I pray your ‘poked’ bits heal soon kind lady 🤣❤️🙏

  3. a very interesting post, Ka. Feeling invigorated after one read. I think I will be jumping after another read. You have that very positive energy that you spill on your readers. Love you , Goddess Ka 😘🤗

  4. Thank you for these encouraging words and ideas! I usually call problems challenges, but projects is even better! I love the awareness that “The abundance is in us. It’s in our capacities!!” Still, I hope your kitchen remodel turns out to your delight and that our kitchens are full of laughter. 🙂

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