Releasing Drama, Resistance

As I sat for my meditation this morning, and some mornings recently, many thoughts leading into it, about the cord for my emWave, and about decisions that were rather small and relatively inconsequential and distracting, like will I listen to my gentle water stream this time? or focus on my breath by counting?  Will I just allow the breath today? The decisions seemed ‘huuuuge.’ What I see in this is a simply a shadow. The largeness of the situation was rather my inner resistance to doing ‘the next –—-ordinary—–thing next.’  Often we want quick results, we want to experience the evidence of our ‘hard work’ and then only to realize, that, that I do this more often than I’d like to admit, the hardness is the resistance. This is why we ‘do’ anyways…

My friends, it doesn’t matter whether you shine or not. Nine times out of ten the resistance is comical, theatrical almost – if only it weren’t ever so slightly tragic. But, I think this is the actual worthwhile work.

I’m happy that you are here and breathing, and enjoying yourselves. That is enough, I think.

There’s a picture in my mind of a meditator, tangled up in cords, but I really don’t have time to find the right picture. The true unplugging, well, that’s from this:

A symbol of the inner resistance, and yes, probably technology…




12 thoughts on “Releasing Drama, Resistance

  1. Reminds me of Shakespeare’s, “Life’s but a walking shadow. A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    1. 🙂 Yes 🙂 The overall goal of my meditation (and the different techniques I’ve worked with throughout the years) is to be a better observer of my thoughts, not to suppress them! This increased awareness helps, and sometimes we just have to roll with it. :-*

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