Living in the Parallel, Holding in the Center

This blog post is written in response to a Time Machine Challenge given from Linda, over at Litebeing Chronicles.

To my surprise, I hopped onto my timeline, and I went parallel!


Also, I didn’t go parallel to just one place, but to many places along my timeline.

#1). Vacation on Molokai

#2). Art making periods along my timeline

#3). My back injury in 2012 that influences my current path.


#1) For this parallel timeline, I picture myself as vacationing on Molokai, and I’m incredibly healthy. I am meditating all the time on this timeline, so it seeps into the experience of my busy course load and fills me with the sense of always holding my center.

#2) Some of you, my dear readers, may have seen my recent blog posts where I published some of my old art pieces. One of the skills that I value in myself is my ability to live through my art, to express through color, and to step away from words. Though I value language, I do find so much contentment in the silence of visual imagery.

#3). Regaining myself/my life after my back injury.

I had to retrain myself to walk after the disc herniation.

My husband and I got me through the toughest time of my and our lives through this experience. What I know now is something far more valuable than I could ever learn in school about healing, from any person or book, or anything else. When I reach back into my past, I realize that I can overcome anything that weighs me down.

What’s happened is that there’s a level of confidence that I can tap into here, and it will get me through every failure, every false start, every terrifying moment of working with needles, fire, smoke; and if it doesn’t, and I decide: Hey, I’m not really into needles that much after all, that’s okay, too. I got my body back, and it became mine again: not necessarily ready to have it become a human pin cushion. Recently I had an acupuncture treatment that left my arm feeling a little bit numb, and that made me feel uncomfortable – it has made me question and doubt my path.

I’m in this,

and I know I could get hurt again.

After all, I can walk now. I made it through without the surgery that loomed in my mind as a possible next step to walking again.

That’s good enough for me. I value my mobility!

Note: I will be away from blogging for a little while 🙂 Best to you all in the interim.

Much Love, Ka


Next Time-Machine Post: Julianne

41 thoughts on “Living in the Parallel, Holding in the Center

  1. Thank you so much for this elegant and personal parallel ride. Your narrative about survival really spoke to me at a profound level. The words you chose, tone, etc was a message for me I am certain.

    Thank you for being you and being you with us in community.

    Aloha with love,

  2. Pingback: Time Machine Blogging Challenge: We are ON! | litebeing chronicles

  3. Hey Sweet girl I wish you continued healing in all time, space, and dimensions. We will miss you so don’t be away too long. ❤ The first future life I visited in 3300 AD was in another dimension and in Maui, but I didn't mention it in the post. lol ❤ ❤ ❤

    1. Hi Sindy,
      I look forward to catching up with everyone and reading their blog posts for this time machine challenge when I return from my break 🙂 Thank you for your kind wishes, and for your request for my return. I’ll be back.
      Much Aloha,

  4. Loved the Parallel ride dear Ka.. Learning to find our centre is important as we regain balance in our lives.. And you have shown here very clearly how through our minds and determination we can heal ourselves..
    Your art is also an extension of mind and is a valuable tool in which we release and express emotions that no words we could find would equal..
    I am privileged to be sharing this parallel ride on WP with you Ka, and I am so pleased our Time Line crossed paths when they did.. 🙂

    Love and Blessings and enjoy your blog break..
    Sue ❤

  5. Pingback: Time Machine Blogging Challenge: But Wait, There’s More. | litebeing chronicles

  6. To realise we can overcome anything is a wonderful moment that catapults us into another reality… balancing our body, mind and spirit.. Lovely time travel Ka thanks for sharing… Love to you and enjoy your time off… Barbara xxx

  7. That is inspiring. Vacation, expression through art, and the healing. I am glad to read that you can walk again after the back injury. This must be a great relief.

    It is wonderful that you found the inner strength and confidence looking back into the past from overcoming the back injury. Sometimes, it seems that the purpose of difficult times was to make us stronger.

    I have read a book by Robert Schwartz, Your Soul’s Gift, where he talks about pre-incarnation planning of our life’s challenges. The book contains many real-life case studies where mediums with access to the Akashic records channel the pre-incarnation planning dialogues. Your back injury and the treasure you found within remind me of these stories in Robert’s book where people planned painful challenges for themselves in order to find that inner place of strength and confidence which you describe.


    1. Hi Karin,
      Thank you for your thoughtful response, and understanding the relief of overcoming, and then the subsequent journey on to face other types of unique challenges. Ultimately, we do become stronger, and potentially more efficient. Looks like a good book you’ve added here to the comments; and I’m sure it will be a pleasure to read once I get it on my book reading queue. Is it available at most libraries? I find these types of books aren’t always at the library, but I always like to look there first, and sometimes I am surprised, what is and isn’t there!

      By the time I return to WP, it’ll seem like I wasn’t even gone for too long. After all, it’s just as much fun as everything else I do in life! Sharing in your lives 🙂

      Blessings also from me to you ❤

  8. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    I want to come visit you in your Molokai meditation parallel time!
    So happy for your self healing of your back and for your artistic expression.
    May your time away be lovely wherever you are. ❤

    1. Yes, Mary.

      Please come visit me. I will make sure it’s fabulously playful 😀 lol.. and so will you 😉

      Thank you, and believe me, I can’t wait to see what everyone wrote, I saw you were on the schedule, too. So, I have a cliff-hanger (a happy cliff-y and hang-y) to return to ❤ Ka

  9. Hello Ka,

    I was touched by the courage of your recovery from injury, and also the admission of the difficulties of your current path. I can totally see how something even remotely threatening to the body you have regained would pose a question or two about what you are doing, but looking from afar I see your healing gift being who you are as much as any particular technique… I might even go so far as to say the techniques, while surely helpful, may be only a small component, and that you have the experiences within you from your life to help others navigate the process of healing, and that is powerful mojo…!

    I felt reading this how we are each a confluence of so many timelines and possibilities… something like an intersection…


    1. Dear Michael,

      “Confluence” is a most marvelous word 🙂 Yes, what is a life without making the decision to focus on the most important and immediate needs, when necessity presents itself. That’s a challenge, yes! A current path is the only path. I have just one path! 😀 What curious forms it takes on – it’s a wardrobe, an outer dressing. I will be taking more breaks from WP, no doubt, due to my everyday challenges and miracles, and changing needs.

      Speaking of, today’s ACIM lesson is this, “My holiness blesses the world.” So, Michael, my holiness blesses you, and WP. Thanks for the nudge to do the course. You had help, too! It’s been adding flavor and dimension to my experiences for past 37 days! While I have no conclusions, I can see that I am breathing 😉 and holy. & whole.

      Aloha, Ka

      1. Oh yes, we all had help, Ka… At times I felt I consumed more help than was my allotted share… Sometimes we have more than we could stand… Ha!

        I’m glad that if you’ve taken the time to read the Course, that it has spoken to you. It sounds like you are working through the Workbook Lessons? Those are really great and I did them twice from start to finish over the course of probably at least a year and a half each time. Keeping the pace of a lesson a day was too much each time, and I didn’t want to force it. They were really beautiful times… There have been so many times when commitments like that have kept me going and kept me whole, so I’m almost jealous of you starting on this journey! Ha!

        Wishing you much beauty and holiness, my friend.

  10. Loved your post Ka, and lovely to “meet” you via the challenge! I hope you find the healing that you need, and grow strong and vital through art and dreams and time travel and love. Rest well, and I look forward to learning more about your words and images when you return…

  11. hi ka,
    what a great way to approach this challenge – where you went in more than one direction.
    Your ability to think outside the box (as evidenced by your incredible art) has always been one of points of admiration about you. great idea to share art from the past. and recognize and remember who we were and what we were doing exactly when we made it.

    sorry to hear about your back troubles, but am happy to read about your adaptability and versatility in the face of what has sidelined many permanently. and i’m glad you have a great support system.

    i understand your fears and your new found strength so you are not giving in to what might happen to your back in the future. interesting how our futures and pasts are lived at all times in our present mind, through thoughts. and we must think positive and trust ourselves to move forward in the physical so we can enjoy the present again.

    hang in there ka. youve got this!!

    and happy blog-free vacation.
    o and om.

    1. Thank you so much! You do understand 🙂 It’s amazing how we can free ourselves…through our minds.
      When you write, “hang in there ka. You’ve got this!” I appreciate so much your support. ❤ Blog free vacation for a short while, it's good to be here!
      xoxo Ka

  12. Very compelling and inspirational, dear Ka…
    Your thoughts really resonated with me … And I believe that you are right… we should appreciate what we have and sometimes when we go through something difficult to overcome we began to notice who blessed we can be in a natural or normal state…
    In the above sense, it is fine to keep in mind that we could get hurt again…. not only physically but emotionally…Sending much love and all my best wishes. Aquileana 🐉☀️

  13. kellie@writingmoment

    Hi Ka, I dropped by here through the time machine blogging challenge. I loved the part about reaching back into the past and overcoming challenges. Enjoy your break 🙂

  14. Thank you, Ka, for sharing this very inspiring post with us, as it expands the realm of tunnel vision which often takes its foothold in our lives when we’re stuck in the goblin mud. It is hopeful to be reminded of the endless possibilities which exist, especially when the colors of life at times paint a bleak picture.

    Many blessings


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