nourishing dark

Here you are fresh as can be

New Year, new schedule, maybe?

What’s in and what’s out?

What’s your intention all about?

How far have you traveled in your intuition?

Walking yourself right out of inhibition.

Opening the gate, but you have to wait–

You’re here, but your new Year

is slow to grow.

It’s gonna take some time to build a rhyme

and shine on a dime.

Get comfortable, sit right here

Park your thoughts and listen without fear,

Hold in your heart your wishes dear.

Sit in the dark and take your time,

There’s nothing to do and nothing to prime.

Nourish the dark and the dark will nourish you.

Photography by Jeff Nissen (Unsplash)

We’ve got the full moon in Cancer upon us, but I’m feeling New Moon energy. The Full Moon is at 16 Cancer 21. We just passed through a very interesting Venus and Pluto conjunction having us really work on our regeneration energy, our values, relationships, and investments. It was such a helpful aspect for considering our “intentions” for the New Year. It was “as if” the universe were asking us to deeply (Pluto) consider–haha or overhaul (Pluto) our values, relationships, resources, self-love, assets (Venus) and re-establish our priorities–well, we have had all those Capricorn planets to help with that, too!!

Develop a “rank and order” to the projects and time investments. Did you feel that? Maybe some people are even changing their love-nature in a fundamental way. What would that look like? What would bring more purpose and meaning into our relationships? Venus has now advanced into Aquarius and it won’t be long (March) when Pluto will be moving briefly into Aquarius–which is the really, really big shift. Can you feel the hints of it now?

I see this Cancer Full Moon as an opportunity to get comfortable with the idea that truly big change is not only ahead of us, but will also free us up quite a bit. I don’t think its oxymoronic for certain aspects of our heritage, nature, home and heart to become ripened during a time of so much newness and change.

Here at home we’ve been pulling the fruits off our trees and giving them away in the neighborhood, lemons and oranges in abundance. It’s a good symbol for this New Year/Full Moon. The fruits are ripe; and who do you want to share them with? Who will enter into your world who you would never even have imagined? How much can they change you? Have fun with this…

12 thoughts on “nourishing dark

  1. Been going through your lovely poetry, Ka…and feeling your soul as you express your thoughts. Here we are, well into the new year – it’s hard to believe how quickly time is flying by. I send you all good wishes for this new year and hope that you continue to move in the energy of love and peace. ❤

  2. A lovely lively verse ushering in the new year. There is a sense of hope and optimism in your poem which is very uplifting to the reader.
    As usual a lovely post.

  3. Just love your rhymey poem❤️ Fun to begin the new year with Ka! I so resonate with big change happening now… we’ve waited so long and now is the time❤️ IAM ready❤️💃🎶🌈 May all this years blessing fall around you Ka… much love x

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